Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ecological Intelligence

Ecological intelligence is using the current information we have about how we effect the earth with out pollution, and trying to do something about it. So we create businesses and more green activist to start thinking of more ecological choices to help out earth. This article relates to our essential questions because we are trying to find ways to live more sustainable and L.U.L.S.(Lets Use Less Stuff).,28804,1884779_1884782_1884776,00.html

Monday, March 16, 2009

L.U.L.S. Data 1

1. Something that struck me about my data was younger people actually shop more often at thrift stores. I wasn't really struck by our data because I hypothesis was correct.

2. I wasn't really surprised by our data because our hypothesis was correct.

3. I expected to find younger shoppers shop at thrift stores more often because they don't have as much money so its cheaper. Unlike adults, they have more money so they can afford more expensive places.

4. Based on our findings, I think we'll run an ad campaign to encourage and educate people about thrift stores.
(Please take our survey).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Homegrown Revolution

1. Something that strikes me about the movie was that they grew everything. Whatever they grew in their garden, ended up on their food table. They were vegetarians and everything in their garden was 95% edible. They sold some of their surplus to restaurants.

2. I think that the Dervae's would have more needs then wants because they have a garden, So they wouldn't have to worry about buying food as much as most Americans. They also don't want much because they are living very sustainably.

3. The Dervae's family relates to the book My Ishmael because they too are trying to live sustainably. They are trying to do something about our earth and not just let us be doomed to "our fate". They are encouraging people to follow in their footsteps and become more energy efficient.

4. I think the way the Dervae family lives is really cool. The way they grow all their food and the garden looks really cool. The way they live works, even if people don't think so it does. They live more effeicently and they eat healthy. (example of how to live more effeicently).

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Calliope #2

Anthropomorphism(Noun): Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. -

A. Ishmael defines "Erratic Retaliator" as a strategy. It means 'Give as good as you get, but don't be too predicable'. -My Ishmael page 88. This works well with the "Cawks" because this is their life style. They either fight or flee when competing for food and resources. Most of the time they flee before it gets serious, but when they do fight its minor and only get a few cuts and bruises.

B. "Erratic Retaliator" is a peacekeeping method because they fight but then have are still friends. It is similar to when two friends can't decide whether to go to the movies or a play and they flip a coin. They agree to keep their end of the deal rather then argue and doing the opposite anyways.

C. The "Cawks" don't just annihilate each other because that goes against their "Erratic Retaliator" method. All the tribes go by this method but if one were to change it, then that would change the game completely. All the other tribes would have to adapt to this new method. They would have to join forces to stand a chance against the tribe that originally changed the game.