Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Calliope #2

Anthropomorphism(Noun): Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. -http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Anthropomorphism.

A. Ishmael defines "Erratic Retaliator" as a strategy. It means 'Give as good as you get, but don't be too predicable'. -My Ishmael page 88. This works well with the "Cawks" because this is their life style. They either fight or flee when competing for food and resources. Most of the time they flee before it gets serious, but when they do fight its minor and only get a few cuts and bruises.

B. "Erratic Retaliator" is a peacekeeping method because they fight but then have are still friends. It is similar to when two friends can't decide whether to go to the movies or a play and they flip a coin. They agree to keep their end of the deal rather then argue and doing the opposite anyways.

C. The "Cawks" don't just annihilate each other because that goes against their "Erratic Retaliator" method. All the tribes go by this method but if one were to change it, then that would change the game completely. All the other tribes would have to adapt to this new method. They would have to join forces to stand a chance against the tribe that originally changed the game.

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